Why did you become a bartender?
I have worked the “Monday-Friday 9-5” for years but have more fun behind the bar, working less hours 😉
What made you want to work at the bar at which you’re currently bartending?
I have worked for a couple of the owners for years and the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
What are some fun flavors you’re working with?
The Summer Edition Kiwi Twist Red Bull

What are some of the unique spirits and ingredients you’re playing with?
I am trying to figure out the best ratio of jagermeister and red bull right now
What are you sipping on and why?
You don’t sip jagerbombs
What are some quirks/quotes you are known for?

Whats the most memorable thing to happen to you while at work?
The night of my birthday a couple years ago when the Albanians bought seven bottles worth of jagerbombs.
A famous billionaire once said “Dont trust a brilliant idea, unless it survives
the hangover”. What’s your beer mantra?
If you’re going to have 7 drinks, you might as well keep going and have 14.

Bartender Of The Month is a new feature on Torontonightclub.com where we profile some of your favorite bartenders throughout southern ontario. If you know anyone that deserves some recognition, message us!